
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So, I was laying in bed last night trying to get to sleep and my thoughts wondered off and i began to wonder. The BMX scene lately has turned into a trend more then a sport, maybe Trend isnt the right word but itll do.

Lately i have been seeing more competition between the way you ride, instead of the tricks you do. I'd say about a year ago we used to only care who was pulling the biggest, technical est and the most outrageous stunts. Now, everyone seems to be fighting over how the tricks are done.

Now some people only class Tables, as Tables if your feet stay on the pedals. As where others only class it if your feet aren't on them. Tucks with your hands above bars instead of your hands below bars, Whips catching cranks not pedals visa versa.

Riders have become a lot more 'Bitchier' and there are even rival groups! What happened to the good ol' days where we all used to hang at the local parks, have a good time, congratulate big tricks and laugh off the crashes. Most of us are becoming more 'Saltier' and more aggressive towards eachother.

I dunno, maybe its just me. maybe im talking to the wrong people.
Or maybe im going crazy?
But whatever hey.

Just get out there and keep shredding! :D

Lets hope that makes sense to one of you, because reading over it, its made absolutely none to me.


Matty Harm - Invert.

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